Friday, June 23, 2006

So, I've decided to start training for a sprint triathlon. The difference between a sprint triathlon and a full triathlon are this: Sprint = 0.5 mile swim, Ironman = 2.5 mile swim; Sprint = 12 - 13 mile bike, Ironman = 112 mile bike; Sprint = 3 mile run, Ironman = 26 mile run. As you can see, there's quite a difference, but the sprint actually seems doable! Now, my original plan was to compete in the last Alberta sprint which is at the end of August, until I remembered the swim part. If any of you have ever seen me swim, you know that I don't so much swim as I do just slap my arms against the water and kick like I'm really trying to run as a means of getting to the other end of the pool. After thinking about that I decided to take a couple of lessons and aim for the first sprint of the year next year. We'll see how the training goes. The running won't be so bad, and I used to bike all the time, so getting back into it shouldn't be too hard either. However, I tried to do 12 miles on a stationary bike at the gym, and after 30 minutes of pedalling like crazy I had only gone about 5.5 miles! I think this bike is wrong! There's no way it can take that long... I remember a mile took no time at all!
Tasha is here for the summer! It's good to have a friend from home here. I've been showing Tasha what the GP club scene is like. er, I've been showing Tasha what the only dance bar in GP is like. Actually, she wanted to see cowboys, so we took her to a country bar where she wouldn't stop dancing with the cowboys! It was awesome. It also seems to be where all the good-looking, non-gross GP guys seem to be. If I was single and liked country music, I would be there all the time! Check out how crooked my mouth is in that pic! Holy Jean Chretien!
That's about all that's new for now. P.S. Can anyone tell me why my font won't change colour? It's purple on my draft, but not on the actual site!