Monday, July 17, 2006
Summer Slam
This weekend was a very exciting weekend in Grande Prairie. Every year the city hosts an outdoor music festival/slow pitch tournament called Summer Slam. It lasts for three days with a bunch of different bands. This year the main event was Our Lady Peace. I've never been much of an OLP fan, but they did put on a good show. I also became a fan of Armchair Cynics. They're an Alberta band, from just a couple of hours away from GP. I've heard them on the radio lots and sang along with their music, but didn't really pay much attention to them; but they put on a really good show! I got to meet them too...the picure is below. I also saw Matt Mays, pretty good, but I unfortunately didn't know any of the songs.
Our Lady Peace came on stage, and I was right up front again when fears of last year's Billy Talent show catastrophe came creeping back. If you don't remember what happened, I was right up front for that show too, but little did I know there were a few thousand people behind me, who, once the music started, started pushing. I couldn't control which direction I faced or where I moved, so I had to crowd surf outta there! Definately one of the scariest moments of my life. Anyway, once the pushing started at OLP I quickly moved to the back, luckily there were not thousands of people behind me this time.
There were a couple of really cool moments of the concert. One was when Raine Maida asked for an iPod with a microphone to record a brand new song on. What he got instead was a little tape recorder with a separate microphone that a radio DJ brought. The second coolest part was when Raine ran through the crowd to the fence that separated the beer gardens and drank some guy's beer.
Definately an eventful night! I'm also looking forward to going to the Sam Roberts show in a couple of weeks. Here's some pics!

Me with the lead singer from Armchair Cynics.
This is Raine Maida in the middle of the crowd with some guy's beer.
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I am a huge OLP fan. There are some major acts coming to the maritimes in the next little while including The Stones, Black Eyed Peas, and the most coveted in my opinion: The Dixie Chicks. Unfortunately, I am officially completely poor and cannot afford to go to any of these concerts.
Awww! That sucks! The Black Eyed Peas were here in GP last year, I didn't see them, but this place gets surprisingly big acts.
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