Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Halloween Costume Idea

Halloween is this weekend, and I still don't have a costume. I do have a costume idea though. I was thinking of dressing up as our good friend Matt. I was thinking I could find an Austin Powers t-shirt or something with the chest wig on it, and I could wear his sweatpant shorts, or his tearaway shorts, and I would get a wig, wear his silver running shoes and talk with his funny accent. That, or Pippi Longstocking...what do people think?

Monday, October 25, 2004

Psycho Raccoons

OK, so last night we had the encounter with raccoons. We knew they got into our garbage, and decided to wait until this morning to survey the damage because none of us wanted to be near the little beasts. We went outside today, and not only had they gotten into a garbage bag, but they got into the garbage bin! I thought that's what the bin was supposed to be for! To enclose garbage so that little creatures cannot get into it....I guess not! These are psycho raccoons! If they can get into our bin, then what next?? Are they going to pick our locks and rummage through our kitchen? I feel like Peter Griffin from Family Guy when he goes to Mississippi or some place like that, and everywhere he goes he is attacked by a raccoon.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

The one about the weight room and raccoons

So, I have this new job at the weight room at the Acadia gym. I like the job, I really don't do very much, and I also get to see some funny people. Today, I was feeling like shit and just wanted to leave. It was almost time to go, and I was sitting at my desk reading an old magazine, and Creed was playing on the radio - Arms Wide Open, to be exact. So I'm sitting there, thinking about how annoying I think the song is when all of a sudden I hear someone make an instrument sound from the cardio area! I look up, and there's this big black dude with giant hair moving along on the elliptical trainer singing along, trying to sound like the Creed guy - soooooo funny! I also noticed how much people admire themselves in mirrors. Even when they're not working out, they're just walking around, and when they walk past a mirror they're like "heeeeeey....look at me....I go to the gym....I'm buff....I'm so friggin' hot!" It's really quite funny.

OK...we just had a raccoon incident. They keep getting into our garbage, and knocking over our compost bin. The stupid bastards...I hate raccoons - they creep me out the way they walk with their big arched backs, and their stupid pointy feet, and legs that don't bend - blah! I do think they have cute faces, but that's about it.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Number two - hehe....number two

So here's number two - it took awhile, but I've been busy. Well...lazy, plus my internet has been stupid lately.

The other night Jeffrey, Dub, Matt and I decided to go and steal a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch at the other end of town. We walked down there, and very sneakily jumped over the bank. We got our pumpkins, 2 of them, and now we had to escape. First we tried to run along the ditch so no one could see us, but it turned out to be a big muddy mess, so then we thought we'd scale the seven foot sides of the bank. We finally got out of the pumpkin patch, and were trying to look inconspicuous walking down the street with these pumpkins, and of course, Matt has to pick out the biggest, muddiest pumpkin he could get his little Welshie hands on! We ended up walking as fast as we could until we saw a car, and then we'd set the pumkins on the side of the road and continue to walk as if nothing had happened. This was talking a very long time, because after the car drove by, we had to walk back and get the pumpkins. So we decided to try the sheilding method - 2 people walking on the inside of the sidewalk with the pumpkins, while the other 2 people apparently blocked them from view of the cars. We managed to make it back to good ol' Wickwire Avenue, when a car was approaching us from behind. Matt was carrying his giant pumpkin so proudly in the palms of his hands, when Jeffrey jokingly yelled "The Feds! The Feds!" Matt, pondered the idea of "The Feds" driving up from behind and busting him for pumpkin stealing, tossed his pumpkin into the ditch!! After the car had gone by, and once we finished laughing at him, he had to collect it from the very deep, water-filled, ditch. Luckily, all that happened to his prized pumpkin was a crack in the top of it...it could have been worse.What a night!

The crazy event for today happened when I decided to go to Subway and use my free sub card. First of all, as I was about to enter Subway, I was trying to look at something in the store, I don't even know what, but I ended up trying to push the door open, when it is definately a pull door. As I was looking through the door and trying to push it open, I noticed some guy who saw the whole thing....man I felt stupid. So I opened the door and trotted inside...giggling of course. Now, as I was standing in line, I began to read my free sub card, and realized I had to buy a pop in order to get it. So I went to get my bank card from my wallet, and it wasn't there! The only time I ever bring my entire wallet somewhere, that's stocked with every card I own, and I'm missing my bank card. So I left. I was so sad. I slowly walked home, kicking leaves along the way. When I got back, Amanda was home, so she went back with me after i found my bank card....stupid free sub technicality.

So that's it for number two. Hopefully I'll have another posting sooner than this one took.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

I have a blog thing now!

So everyone else has a blogspot thing, so I thought I should get one too. I am so IN now! So, it's homecoming weekend, and I have big plans to go to the football game today. I LOVE football now! I'm taking a football course (gotta love Kines) and now I actually understand stuff about football. As of now, I know about offensive line stuff, quarterback, receiver, and running back stuff. Coach Cummins is also the coolest person EVER! (Number of times I have used the word football so far: 4; 5 if you include the one in this parenthesized sentence, I was going to change one, but I thought the overuse of the work was kinda funny)

So my parents are moving to Alberta at this very moment, and they haven't called me yet. They left Wednesday, and they still haven't called me! Belie' dat! I'm really not that worried, all I'm really worried about is my snowboard - I just put stickers on it and I don't want them to get ripped off in the back of the Uhaul.

I once again have feeling in my tongue! Two nights ago I went to the movies, and bought a bag of sour twizzlers, and I didn't find them super sour, although they did hurt my tongue after awhile, but the next morning my tongue was definately not normal...I think all the sourness ate away at the top layer of my tongue. Does the tongue have layers? I know I'm supposed to know about body stuff, but we never learned about the tongue - I guess taste buds would count as a layer maybe? Anyway, my tongue definately did not look normal.

Ok, so this is definately not an exciting posting, but I had to write something. And I overused the words 'definately' and 'so'. Now I have to figure out how the rest of this thing works...I also don't know how to end this. Do I say "until my next posting" then sign my name? Do I write some kind of conclusion? Or do I just stop typing?

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