Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Can someone please tell me why my pictures keep disappearing? I even do the edit HTML thing, and the URLs are always right. Why do they keep disappearing? :(
Monday, December 13, 2004
Almost time to go Home!
As I sit here listening to the rain, wondering why I can no longer choose what font I want to write my blog in and thinking that it must have something to do with my changing my blog a hundred times in the last half hour because I really wanted to have my "About Me" thing at the top, and knew that in order to do that I'd have to resize every picture I had posted, I am getting excited about going home on Friday. I have never been to home before. How does that work you might be wondering. Well, my parents recently moved to Grande Prairie, Alberta a place that at one time was relatively close to Edmonton and Jasper, but now that my parents are there, they tell me that those places are really 5 hours away. This upsets me. But it's gonna be better than Sussex! Here is a picture of the GP "skyline".
Yes, that one building in the skyline is amazing! I am still excited to visit Alberta, and go snowboarding on a prairie ski hill, which oddly enough is about 3 times the size of Martock (ok, not so strange, but the prairies are FLAT!), and also to sit in the sauna in my parents' apartment building. The stuff that their building has sounds awesome: A pool, a gym, squash and racquetball courts, a hot tub and saunas!
I am also getting excited about Christmas! I'm listening to Mariah Carey's Christmas CD right now! It is one of the best ones ever in my opinion. You all know it! All I want for Christmas is You!!
So now that I have written this non-sensical blog entry purely for the reason of posting pictures because I am good at it now, I am going to learn some German for my exam on Thursday.

Yes, that one building in the skyline is amazing! I am still excited to visit Alberta, and go snowboarding on a prairie ski hill, which oddly enough is about 3 times the size of Martock (ok, not so strange, but the prairies are FLAT!), and also to sit in the sauna in my parents' apartment building. The stuff that their building has sounds awesome: A pool, a gym, squash and racquetball courts, a hot tub and saunas!
I am also getting excited about Christmas! I'm listening to Mariah Carey's Christmas CD right now! It is one of the best ones ever in my opinion. You all know it! All I want for Christmas is You!!

So now that I have written this non-sensical blog entry purely for the reason of posting pictures because I am good at it now, I am going to learn some German for my exam on Thursday.
Friday, December 10, 2004
I dyed my hair!
So I dyed my hair for the very first time in my entire life tonight. I went to Shoppers today, and Amanda and Dub helped me pick out shade 13B - Spiced Cider. We came home and I let Amanda dye my hair. It just turned out to be a darker red...who knew. I'm kind of glad it's now super brown though, I think that would have been too drastic. But anyway - here's what my hair looks like now, and in 24-28 shampoos, my hair will be back to normal.



Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Good Birthday for Me!
Yesterday was my 21st birthday. It was great! It started off with my boyfriend making me breakfast in bed....greatest surprise ever! No one has ever made me breakfast in bed before. The Amanda and I went to Kentville for me to renew my driver's licence. What a hassal...for some reason they didn't understand that I wasn't a new driver, and that that's why I didn't have some sort of N or whatever on my New Brunswick driver's licence. Then Amanda bought me lunch at Paddy's (mmmmmm), and we went back home. Matt went out and bought me the movie Serendipity! I LOVE that movie! I've been wanting to watch it again, but can never find it on DC or even kazaa, but now I have a copy of my very own :) That night Dub took me to Acton's for dinner. It was my first time there, and it was soooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOO good! And of course, me being full of class decided to try some sort of wet looking nut thing - it was gross, and I pulled it out of my mouth and then hid it in the remains of my ceasar salad when I was done. Then I had a yummy chicken dinner with a lemony garlic sauce - soooooo good. We then finished off our dinner with cheesecake - again - delicious! I was sooo stuffed afterward. It hurt to move in fact. But later that night, I managed to find room for the yummy chocolate cake that Amanda made for me - complete with dental floss balloons! It was awesome!